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was der für einen müll labert
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antwort auf die kritik an ihm in der letzten zeit :D
heul heul heul
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Mal ne Frage , gibt eigendlich ne Fahrgemeinschaft von Karlsruhe /Bruchsal nach Berlin . Oder fährt jmd mit den Bus , wäre ja toll wenn man sich treffen könnte.

Leute, wir haben eine Verfassung und zwar die von 1871, bitte berücksichtigen, die gewährt uns nämlich die freieste freiheit die wir haben könnten, wenn da nachher nicht wieder ein paar REPUBLIKANER auftauchen!

Werdet euch Klar -> Demokratie = Deutsches Kaiserreich
ansonsten eine Republik und die ganz scheiße geht von vorne los!


Kunst ist übrigens eine Verschwörung der CIA:

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bin i-wie enttäuscht, dass sadiq der einzige rapper is, der heute was zu 9/11 gepostet hat. oder habt ihr noch andere fundstücke dazu entdecken können?
This year I don't have any long articles to post. I don't have any political diatribes for you. Others on here have many. My message is simple. I was called a conspiracy theorist for claiming Iraq was not behind 9/11, that the federal government was tapping your phone, that we were involved in the drug trade (Iran-Contra) that the government was still holding back secrets, etc... However not once have you heard me shouting some random theory. I rather, demanded more answers. Just the fact that they lied about the air and other important factors to first responders always was off to me. Those selfless Firefighters, Office workers, Random citizens, Officers, EMT's. Anything health wise associated with those people who risked their lives to help others should have been covered. Not covered up. I was never shamed into silence. 99% of my fan base knew there was sense to what I was speaking. I ignored the negativity, the trolls and instead I chose to show the world another side of America, and also humanity. So rather than go off about politics. I will say today, do not allow yourself to be bullied or intimidated into silence and obedience. I also want to offer my condolences, to the families that lost, to those that died that day. Also though, peace to the souls of the slaves buried underneath the WTC. A..nd although it isn't said enough. I want to pray for not just those mentioned but also those innocent, men women and children who died needlessly in wars justified by this day. I don't want you to believe everything I say. I want you to question everything you are told. Rest in Power. You are not forgotten.

Remind someone you love that you love them today, you never know when you will see them again.

Peace & Love,

Felipe Coronel
Kool Savas ‏@koolsavas 8 Min.
RIP den Menschen die an diesem Tag von ihrem eigenen Land ermordet wurden
Gibt´s auch ne Theorie wonach das WTC 7 durch einen Selbstzerstörungsmechanismus zu fall gebracht wurde? Schließlich gab es in jedem 2ten James Bond Film ein Selbstzerstörungsmechanismus. Wieso also nicht im WTC 7?
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