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  • Das Breakdance Forum ist geschlossen!
    Schweren Herzens (und nach einer Art Diskussion) haben wir uns entschlossen, dieses Subforum zu schließen. Breakdance lebt in den Jugendzentren, Tanzstudios, Trainingskellern und Bühnen dieses Landes - aber leider nicht mehr in diesem Forum. Hier war einfach nichts mehr los, die Info veraltet und teilweise falsch.
    Und bevor wir ein schlechtes Licht auf diesen wichtigen Teil unserer Kultur werfen, ziehen wir uns lieber zurück. Danke!

boty 2001


19. September 2000
frohes neues jahr erstmal!
so, wollt euch mal ne neuigkeit erzählen,...
zwei quellen können nich irren:
wir sehn uns da, hoff ich :D
irgendwie hatte ichs im blut dass das 2000er nicht das letzte sein konnte.
he krizzy biste die krizzy von der spartanic seite??

schönes neues jahr dir auch
hehe, ja, genau die bin ich :D :D
wer bist du denn?? schreib mal, pm oder mail?? :D
wo, weiß ich auch noch nich... ich denk mal, das internationale wird wieder im raum hannover sein, aber nationa weiß ich noch nich...
ich sag sofort bescheid, wenn ich mehr weiß!!!!
BOTS 2001 !!!

Dann werden ja warscheinlich auch die BOTS, das Münster Battle........ stattfinden oder ?

Die BOTY 2000 war echt geil. Ich glaube aber die kommenden Veranstaltungen werden wieder etwas kleiner.


keep on breakin
letter+ DATES!!!

diesen brief hat n kumpel bekommen... er is aufm rapz.de-forum, aber ich find die streitereien von board zu board affig, bboys müssen doch zusammenhalten :D


Friday, 19th January:
By the end of the year 2000 the \"Battle of the Year\" Headoffice and organisation team has finally decided to continue the event !
The year 2000 was a busy but very successful year for the \"Battle of the Year\" and worldwide b-boy culture in general.
For the year 2001 the organisation team wants to integrate more side and interactive activities and events during the days of the international \"Battle of the Year\" like workshops, panel discussions and more. The reason for that is to inform especially the younger generation about the roots and meaning of hip hop culture which has been more and more lost within the past years especially if you look at nowadays bigger hip hop events.
At the moment we are checking different locations in different german cities for the international \"Battle of the Year 2001\". At the same time we are contacting different possible supporters and sponsors for the year 2001.
Hopefully by the end of februrary we are able to promote the exact date and location of the \"Battle of the Year 2001\". The size of the event depends on the financial.

We already fixed the event partnership with the Backspin Hip Hop magazine for the year 2001. Like last year Backspin will report regularly in their magazin starting with the april issue. They also will be responsible for promoting and advertising the event and also will be once again our official distributor of the \"Battle of the Year\" merchandise. Hopefully very soon the product section on this website will be improved so then everybody can get our merchandise easier.
For the moment, since december 2000, the official \"Battle of the Year\" 2000 video is on sale all across Europe, in Japan, in Australia and in New Zealand. Very soon it also will be available all across the USA, Canada and Southern America.
Please check Backspin Mailorder at mailorder@backspin.de or your local hip hop shop or mailorder service.

For the year 2001 our french graffiti writer \"Mode 2\" will slightly change the graphics and will draw new b-boy characters.
At the same time already many dates of the national and international \"Battle of the Year\" elimination series are already fixed. The series will start on the 15th april in Bautzen, continuing on the 21nd april in Münster and later in the south of Germany and Berlin ending up once again in Hamburg on the 15th of june were we will held the national championships.
The international series will start in may with events in Switzerland on the 9th of june, Scandinavia, South Africa, Benelux, France, Japan and possible events in Greece, Brasil, Czechoslovakia and New Zealand.

Soon our website will be changed and updated a little bit with new images, graphics, photos and some new services.
We hope that most of you support our decision to continue the \"Battle of the Year\", thanks for your steady support within the last years - hope to see you all at BOTY 2001 !


15th april: Battle of the East/ Bautzen
21th april: Münster Battle/ Münster
may: South Battle
2nd june: B-Berlin Open/ Berlin
15th june: national \"Battle of the Year\"/ Hamburg

may: BOTY Greece/ Athen
9th june: BOTY Switzerland/ Zürich
(31st march Weinfelden/ 7th april Neuchatel)
august: BOTY South Africa/ Cape Town
BOTY Benelux/ Rotterdam
BOTY France/ Montpellier

tba. for july or august: BOTY Spain/ Barcelona
BOTY Japan/ Tokio

international \"Battle of the Year 2001\"
october or november 2001/ Germany

Battle Of The Year Prod.


SUPER !!!!
Also ich habe auch gerade die Battle of the Year Hompage abgecheckt und bin voll froh über diese Entscheidung. Also ich werde (wenns mir von der Arbeit her gelingt) in Bautzen, in Münster und beim BOTS am Start sein. BOTY-national und International versteht sich von selbst. Ich bin schon ganz heiß :)


keep on breakin
Oben Unten