qbert und sein qfo.....

die schreie im hintergrund sin geil "holy shit waahhh" :D
sehr krasses teil (das vid, aber das qfo auch), wuerd ich gerne mal testen.
50 ;)

zu den "limitierten 500 QFOs" gabs ein kommentar von yogafrog im ses forum:

It's the same scenario as in 1996 when we gave the world the 05, 06, 07pro series and beginning to gaining ground with awareness. 05pro was extremely expensive and untested.

As for the QFO we wouldn't release a new design unless we totally believed wholeheartedly in it. The QFO is the best portable turntable/mixer console ever.

Vestax is again extremely scared , can't blame them, they are run very very "corporate" like, and we're always the renegades inside that always must try to persuade their fears.

They don't believe it will sell a great amount, so they hold back. This was the same for the 05pro..

Did you all know they thought they were only going to sell
50 pieces of the 05pro. Yep, just 50. Wanna know how many 05pros have sold? It's in the hundreds of thousands.
And imagine the copycat other manufacturers and mixers that have taken the same design and how much those have sold.

So, full circle, Japanese are scared , Thud Rumble has to make them brave. What's new.

They try weird ol designs that we are NOT a part of and believe those will sell tons, but never do.

I guess they still can't figure out what we keep doing right that they can't seem to hit right.

Here's the real numbers for the release of the QFO.. it's not 500 , it's much less , in the first run there will be 50 hand made pieces. I'll update on prices later.

We are trying our best to keep these prices down, but that's Vestax's role in budgeting their tooling and expenses on the production, not ours. I wish they would be competitive in price and availability, but these are new developments and we'll be waiting to see how it goes.

Let me know what other questions everyone may have...

ATOM and Warlord are next...

QFO würd ich auch gern mal testen!!!
Und mit Q haben sie DEN Representer.
Ich weiß nicht ob nur ich so denke, aber die Beatcuts sind doch göttlich!!!
Ich werde mir eine Q-Bert Statue meiseln lassen und sie dann jeden Tag anbeten!!!
ach des brauchen mer eh net!!! *g
wir machens wie CutChemist und hängen uns Mixer UND Plattenspieler einfach um muahaha
der typ ist so unglaublich schnell ....

ergänzen sich echt ziemlich gut, schönes video
also nach neuster ansage von Qbert werden von dem teil 1000stk. produziert & sie werden so um die 1200$ kosten(was eigentlich nicht zu teuer ist, wenn man sich ueberlegt, dass der mixer im preis enthalten ist) sagt einfach bei eurem lokalen vestax reseller bescheid, dass ihr son teil haben wollt... ihr werdet dann benachrichtigt! man hatte mir bei meinem laden gesagt es sei kein problem eins zu bekommen!
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