TONE - Frankfurt vs. Offenbach – Re(a)p Your City - 28.02.

Corny Kuba

gehört zum Inventar
10. Juni 2007
Live on Stage: Tone, Jam und Albowholik

Am Samstag, den 28. Februar, werden in der Alten Schmelze in Wiesbaden die Mics verflüssigt. Dort treffen sich, auf neutralem Boden, zwei Kontrahenten, die, egal ob erste, zweite oder dritte Halbzeit, schon immer gern gekämpft haben:
Offenbach und Frankfurt.

In Crew- und One-on-One Battles treten die Vertreter der beiden Main-Metropolen gegen einander an. Mit dabei sind die Randgruppe, Dim, Ultrakaos, Zuh Boes und Die Schrift für Frankfurt und Asik, Micropaten, L Bestia und der Wildcard Gewinner für Offenbach.

Außerdem gibt es live on Stage Performance von Tone und Jam und Albowholik.

Über den Sieger entscheiden dann Tone, DJ Release, Niko Hüls(Chefredakteur von und und das Publikum.


Sa. den 28. Februar 2009

Alte Schmeze, Alte Schmelze 10, 65201 Wiesbaden

Corny Kuba,
NOCHMAL AN ALLE: Jam in Wiesbaden OF vs. FFM findet NICHT statt... Tone hat aus "Termingründen" abgesagt... Es wird einen neuen Termin geben!!!!!!!


kann man dann auch closen und ich mach zum neuen termin nen neuen thread...
Ist Tones Absage wegen "Termingründen" die offizielle Pressmeldung?
Ich sag mal so, der Veranstalter hinter der Sache ist ein bekanntes Gesicht, der bewusst nicht in FFM das ganze veranstaltet, weil er es dort schon verbockt hat. Ich erinnere mich an diverse andere Events die er angekündigt hat und 1. nie statt fanden oder 2. nach denen er plötzlich verschwunden ist.

Das ganze jetzt in Tones Schuhe zu schieben finde ich mehr als krass. Das ist doch eine Negativ-Promo für den Künstler und ich habe schon aus diversen Ecken gehört, dass "Wegen Tone" das Ganze nicht statt findet. Man schließt Verträge!
We need new ideas

Having two dads caused many problems. Robert's real dad was the superintendent of education for the state of Hawaii. By the time Robert was 16, the threat of "If you don't get good grades, you won't get a good job" had little effect. He already knew his career path was to own corporations, not to work for them. In fact, if it had not been for a wise and persistent high school guidance counselor, Robert might not have gone on to college. He admits that. He was eager to start building his assets, but finally agreed that the college education would also be a benefit to him.Truthfully, the ideas in this book are probably too far fetched and radical for most parents today. Some parents are having a hard enough time simply keeping their children in school. But in light of our changing times, as parents we need to be open to new and bold ideas. To encourage children to be employees is to advise your children to pay more than their fair share of taxes over a lifetime, with little or no promise of a pension. And it is true that taxes are a person's greatest expense. In fact, most families work from January to mid-May for the government just to cover their taxes. New ideas are needed and this book provides them.Robert claims that the rich teach their children differently. They teach their children at home, around the dinner table. These ideas may notbe the ideas you choose to discuss with your children, but thank you for looking at them. And I advise you to keep searching. In my opinion, as a mom and a CPA, the concept of simply getting good grades and finding a good job is an old idea. We need to advise our children with a greater degree of sophistication. We need new ideas and different education. Maybe telling our children to strive to be good employees while also striving to own their own investment corporation is not such a bad idea."And you don't?" I asked."No, not really," said rich dad. "If you want to learn to work for money, then stay in school. That is a great place to learn to do that. But if you want to learn how to have money work for you, then I will teach you that wow power leveling. But only if you want to learn.""Wouldn't everyone want to learn that" I asked."No," said rich dad. "Simply because it's easier to learn to work for money, especially if fear is your primary emotion when the subject of money is gold""I don't understand," I said with a frown. buy wow gold for cheap ..."Don't worry about that for now. Just know that it's fear that keeps most people working at a job. The fear of not paying their gold, The fear of being gold, The fear of not having enough money. The fear ofstarting over. That's the price of studying to learn a profession or trade, and then working for money. Most people become a slave to money... that is wow power leveling web page for cheap wow power leveling, and then get angry at their boss.""Learning to have money work for you is a completely different course of study?" I asked."Absolutely," rich dad answered, "absolutely."It is my hope as a mother that this book helps other parents. It is Robert's hope to inform people that anyone can achieve prosperity if they so choose. If today you are a gardener or a janitor or even unemployed, you have the ability to educate yourself and teach those you love to take care of themselves financially. Remember that financial intelligence is the mental process via which we solve our financial problems.
hier die offizielle stellungnahme von tone's management, peace:

"An alle Beteiligten!

Hiermit distanzieren wir uns klar von dem vom Veranstalter von „Reap your city“ verbreiteten Statement, die Veranstaltung sei aus terminlichen Gründen seitens Tone / dem Management verschoben worden. Dies entspricht nicht den Tatsachen.

Der Veranstalter (Headnut Entertainment) hat uns die Veranstaltung am 23.02.09 aus „technischen Gründen“ abgesagt. Zudem wurde der „Nachhol-Termin“ am 24.03.09 nie seitens des Managements bestätigt.

Auch Tone ärgert sich sehr über diese Umstände, da er sich sehr auf die Veranstaltung gefreut hat.

Wir bitten um Richtigstellung aller Meldungen!

Das Management"
Tone zu Gast bei Mixery Raw Deluxe:

M.O.R. und KOOL SAVAS erzählen, warum TONE so wichtig für sie war

TONE über die zögerlichen Anfänge seiner Solokarriere, Produktivität und den Alkohol

Und was haben eigentlich SNAP und die Frankfurter Technoszene damit zu tun?

Oben Unten